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Thursday 24 December 2020


If you can access this link, then we all have a reason to give thanks. The year has been tempestuous, tedious and disturbing with unprecedented calamities. It is that year that we however, have come to learn what matters most, life. We hope you enjoy this Saxophone and Guitar cover by Douglas and Stevie from Dowe Music &Arts as arranged by Planet Shakers.




YaaYaa and Douglas during ACCES in Accra, Ghana
YaaYaa(Ghana) and Douglas(Kenya)
During ACCES in Accra Ghana

More than 80 different ethnic groups, over 200 dialects spoken lies a land in Africa known for its own script. One of the world’s popular beverages, coffee was discovered in its region called Kaffa.  With this you must have already figured out what am talking about. You must be probably right.  “The cradle of mankind”, Ethiopia. It is a beautiful city with a unique people’s culture and typography.

Apart from all this interesting facts, an exciting music collaboration took place at its capital Addis Ababa. ACCES (Music in Africa Collaborations, Exchange and Showcases) started here in 2016. By that time it was a small feature on the Music in Africa Foundation’s AGM Plus programme.  Legendary Etgio-Jazz musician Mulatu Astatke was the keynote address; attended by delegates from more than 15 African countries.  Years later, in 2017, ACCES is launched as a fully-fledged international event drawing participants from all over the world. It is for this reason and many more; why you should be part of this amazing program this year.

Here is your chance to prove your shine on to the rest of the world.  There is talent in Africa. What more can be done if we don’t work on what we have and utilize on opportunities presented to us.

Organized by the Music in Africa Foundation, ACCES Africa 2020 will encompass various activities. Among them including pitch sessions, hub exhibitions, panel discussions and networking sessions. It will feature over 80 speakers and net-workers offering a chance to individuals to network, exchange ideas and interact with artists from the continent and diaspora.

East Africa’s Tanzania will be the host of this amazing feature at the Dar es Salaam National Museum and house of culture. One will get to enjoy various benefits of being part of this program. These includes but not limited to transport between venues and accredited hotels. Your logo stands a chance of being added to the ACCES Website and printed programme. In addition your company’s profile will appear on the Music in Africa website Music In Africa and in the dedicated exhibitor’s newsletter. This in return is sent to some 30000+ subscribers in Anglophone and Francophone Africa and the rest of the world.

Despite the coronavirus (covid-19) pandemic, the foundation is hopeful for the event to commence on the 26th of November and offset 0n 28th same month 2020. Isn’t a good time to do something positive to your community and also for personal growth? As we keep safe during this time and staying strong to conquer this virus, let us also build on us. This is why you should begin by registering for Acces Africa. See the original call here

Tout le meilleur et garder en se’curite’ in other words, ‘All the best and keep safe!’

Friday 26 June 2020

Building Resilience With Music & Art

I went back to the studio after clearing part of rental arrears to the business premise still not sure of how I’d get the balance. Has
anyone noticed that unlike when we were growing up, time flies like no one’s business during this COVID-19 pandemic? I could be alone in this but back then,during the planting season in the village, food was scarce and days seemed to just take their time. Maybe it’s because I have a bunch of monthly bills, debts and payments to make. Let’s face it, lock-downs have had a drastic economic effects to small businesses especially here in Africa and other third world countries. As an entrepreneur who has gigantic dreams of touching the whole globe some time to come, I must confess that even the very dreams have been put to test.

As I sat, gazing at the piano, holding the guitar in my hand and the monitor speakers looking like they just wanted me to feed them with
what I was feeling, I couldn’t help but allow the massive flow of stories of anguish that crisscrossed my mind from social media, boda-boda guys, fruit vendors, once smiling chaps now rendered jobless. We had just released Better Days and were happy that it was encouraging people, but seemingly, the situations were getting tougher and we still need a voice of resilience.

From the sad episode of a mother boiling stones in Mombasa to a young man throwing himself from a footbridge in Nakuru-where I live yet to one where a friend of mine talked of being thrown out of the house due to rental arrears, my heart was heavy. Writing the verses of this song seemed like I was reading on a certain screen. Normally, my experience has always been,start with the chorus, then the other sections build up, or better still, have an Idea of how it would sound as I write the verse. Two weeks in the month of May, I had everything except the chorus.

Then one day, I just remembered some historical tales. How chanting is part of the African way of showing or calling for solidarity and in most cases our great grandparents chanted to wade off evil. That’s how the idea of Together In This came about. They would own the calamity as a community and fight together, bury the fallen as a family, and would have their thespians lead them in songs of victory, sometimes even before the battle
ends. Having spoken so much and created a somber mood in the verse, it would be too much for the chorus to carry many concepts. It’s when the chorus proved to fit that the title for the song came up.
After the audio production, I sent to one of my analysts who said they loved the many voices in the chorus. And I thought, what if many faces come in to visualize the chorus? With Covid-19 restrictions, the best way would be to have everyone do it from whichever location then have them all appear on the screen at the same time. We are grateful to Leah Wangari for helping us translate the chorus into Sign Language. Should you require such services kindly reach out to and we'll be sure to get her to assist you. Allow me, on behalf of Dowe Music and Arts
to appreciate this team below:


Abiya S. Ibrahim


Semira Ahmed


Sumaila Ibrahim


Seema Kataria

She is a creative blogger who inspires thousands with her poetry filled with real life enthusiasm. Check out her work on Seema Kataria Blog


Angel Michelle

Our youngest participant was a Form II Student at Turkana Girls National School. We can't be thankful enough to the Parent who allowed her to take part. Angel is a talented artist that has interacted with us for mentorship on singing. We strongly believe she has potential in music life.


Beatrice Awuor_YALI


Billjobs Winston


Catherine Igoki_YALI


Cynthia Nakhumicha


Esther Ochola


Jackline Kawira_YALI


Judith Nyangari


Julia Kamau_YALI


Kereni Waeni


Lenah Mwangi


Lochara Benard


Mercy Nyakio


Milcah Mwihaki


Phineas mugambi

Phylis G. Wanja 
is a 25 year old pencil Artist who uses Art as Therapy as a healing tool ,to help victims of ill- mental health as well as use Art ( drawings and cartoons) to educate the society on issues concerning Mental Hygiene , Mental Health and ill- mental health. She is the founder of Afyakili Organization, that brings together the youth for positive change on matters concerning Mental Health. She has partnered with different Organizations to propel change, to reach out to more individuals in need. Currently, she has been running a campaign #ToaMaskCampaign, that is on a mission of educating people on the importance of Speaking Up and not hiding their true emotions and feelings with happy faces and perfect lives,yet they are suffering deep within, with an aim of reducing suicide rates among the children, youth and the elderly.  She is also an entrepreneur who is passionate about finding solutions for the youth,  by educating them about the Business Model Canvas ,Entrepreneurship and how to spot opportunities, with an aim of eradicating youth unemployment, which is a major factor that leads the youth being victims of ill-mental health. Reach Phyilis at Wanja wa Wangeci
Precious Maxine

A gifted singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist, Precious is a sought after musician in Nakuru County, and the country at large. She plays the Bass Guitar, piano among other instruments and you may see her works and subscribe to her channel on YouTube at Precious Maxine
Simon Ohiambo_YALI
Stella Cheoi_ELF
Waithera itonga
Zipporah Wanjiru


Adewale Adeyemi

 Adewale Adeyemi is a musician and music consultant with over a decade experience in music business. He has organized various music concerts and music business conferences, inspiring over 500 music professionals in Nigeria.
Find out more from Adewale here


G.J Naseer
Abdul Hameed Buzdar


Gerria Sundi_YALI


Tuyishimire Theophile


Flowers John Tito
Mushtaha Abdalla


Malega Williams Kalembire_YALI


Lynn Nakabugo




Tinashe Maswaure
Is a final year student at Bindura University of Science Education working towards attaining a Bachelors honors Degree in Accounting. He currently holds Finance Manager Position at WEDB Finance Service with two (2) years’ experience in the field of Finance. He has been involved in various women empowering projects in Zimbabwe through Woman Excel Organisation. Recently, he has successfully assisted in the registration of Empowered Woman Excel SACCo Zimbabwe.

We hope that you enjoyed reading as well as watching the video. Whatever you may be going through, remember, you are never alone!

Thursday 26 March 2020

Freedom( Lyrics Chorus2)

I can't think of a better way to handle this lockdown situation other than sharing some of the positive vibes from Dowe Music &Arts. This is part of a song in an album that is coming up soon. The section is a prayer for overcoming difficult situations. Basically it all starts with the mind. As the world grapples with the present pandemic, May we all find freedom. Observe the guidelines on #COVID19, stay safe.

Friday 20 March 2020

Burning Incense(Piano and Voice REHEARSAL)

I remember with nostalgia my life at Campus. This song was birthed at Masinde Muliro University during undergraduate studies. There were four of us who discovered our love for and gifting in Music. We did most of our stuff together and I remember the consitent prayer schedules we had every Thursday night, from 8PM and rehearsals for Sundays. After campus, we dispersed into different cities both literally and metaphorically because we are now Fathers! We recorded an album and this tune was one of my compositions that I still wonder how new it becomes each time I sing it. Well, at the time we were not so good with marketing essentials leave alone digital life. We distributed all the CDs(Mostly free), till presently none of us has any. This photo shows the four of us, the night it was taken was when we had a worship Night with the above song as the theme...should I say people came to me asking for a link and name of the worship band behind the song?

From Left: Jose, Myk, Douglas and Hoseah, 2012/13
Yesterday as I was thinking about how sickly the world looks currently, I was in a spontaneous worship hour where songs just flow as I play an instrument while singing. One of our new students had come to say goodbye as we shut down physical lessons following COVID_19 directive by the government (and of course sane conscience). I could hear her sing out some of the songs she knew. Since most of my compositions are normally congregational (or easy to follow), Burning Incense caught her easily. Today morning she sent me a message giving thanks for the worship session saying her spirit was lifted. My prayer is that everyone of us will use what we've got to give hope, lift up and offer solutions in whatever area of life we are gifted in. As you listen and even join in this song, may you find healing in whichever area of life.

The effect of this song in my life is indescribable. However, let me keep it simple. In the evening, we had a scheduled recording with yet a former Student_Milcah. She's one of the background vocalists in the upcoming album-Mimi na Wewe . Being a student from the former college I used to train, she just knew me as a msic trainer and not a worship leader. And the fact that the album we are doing is on general themes mostly about Africa and mental health, I was not surprised to hear this:
"So you don't do worship music enh?"
From Left: Milcah, Douglas, Judith and Lucy, 2020
I started to explain then realized that was a waste of time.I just sang the song and discovered a video was being taken. Let me skip the "wows" and just say, I had to do it again, with her back up and recording the audio a little professionally.  what you see up there is the  outcome. 
We are grateful for the journey we have made so far and the fact that our recording studio is up and running and giving as the opportunity to record good music is a blessing we can not gainsay. A midst the anguish that the world may be in, we hold on to faith that we shall overcome. Stay put pal!

Tuesday 17 March 2020

Great Is Thy Faithfulness Lyrics

Great is Thy faithfulness,” O God my Father,
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not
As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be.
Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness!
  Morning by morning new mercies I see;
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided—
    Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!
Summer and winter, and springtime and harvest,
Sun, moon and stars in their courses above,
Join with all nature in manifold witness
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love.
Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth,
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide;
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!

Sunday 8 March 2020

Amkeni Choir_Ewe Roho Mtakatifu Lyrics

Ewe roho mutakatifu, utu ongoze sisi wakristo,
Utufikishe kwenye njia iendayo kule mbinguni,
Ewe roho mutakatifu, utu ongoze sisi wakristo,
Utufikishe kwenye njia iendayo kule mbinguni,

Njia ile, ni nyembamba sana na imejaa shida nyinga,
Alikuja Yesu mwokozi kutufikisha kwenye uzima,
Njia hii, ni nyembamba sana na imejaa shida nyinga,
Alikuja Yesu mwokozi kutufikisha kwenye uzima,

Imejaa shida na hofu, mbele yake ni mwana wa nungu,
Hivyo ndivyo alisema malaika, Mwana wa mungu,
Imejaa shida na hofu, mbele yake ni mwana wa nungu,
Hivyo ndivyo alisema malaika, Mwana wa mungu,

Njia ile, ni nyembamba sana na imejaa shida nyingi,
Alikuja Yesu mwokozi kutufikisha kwenye uzima,
Njia hii, ni nyembamba sana na imejaa shida nyingi,
Alikuja Yesu mwokozi kutufikisha kwenye uzima,

Tuesday 7 January 2020

New Waters!

Good Morning World! We are hardly ten nights into the year and if the 12 months were just the 12 hours of the day, it's true that some chaps would still be snoring as it is just dawning. Have you ever wondered what life would be like if we didn't have these figures that help us get swallowed into the pomp of seasonal changes? I tend to think some people would never achieve a thing since they are great friends (or slaves?) of procrastination. Well, I didn't wake up today to bore anyone with abstract statements of 'what if...what if not...,' Let us take a reflection
of 2019.

For the sake of schemers and very busy individuals, it was a great year! For lovers of stories and the curious ones like myself, well, may I indulge you in our nostalgic journey of the past 53 weeks at Dowe Music & Arts. Before any further unfolding of the stories, we take this opportunity to thank all students and parents of last year for being a great cohort. The reason we chose the title for this post is because it was a year we did many things that had never been there earlier on. Most importantly was the database development that will enable us keep records of our students not only in this season but for years to come. Every student now has an ID number that is unique basing on the year and the instrument being learnt.  Change is not normally easy, and seeing that in some places around here formal registration is not common for short courses like music, we can't thank our clients enough for complying and that means our records will be fine on-wards.

Who was the most outstanding student? In 2018, we started thinking about expanding to Nairobi. It wasn't clear how we'd do it and we decided not to read books or watch tutorials about new market entry strategies. Simply, one of us had to sacrifice half of the week, leaving Nakuru's serenity and hygiene for a fast paced, mind-your-business-no-body-cares Nairobi City in search of our niche. Long story short, that was a bold, crazy but a worthwhile decision. We have so far trained 12 students over the weekend and are already enrolling the new class for January-April term.

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This is the decision that helped us meet Lorna Mutegi (mage at the top), a Management Consultant by profession. She just saw a poster on social media and reached out. Unlike many cases where one calls and the usual "I'll get back when ready" comes by, Ms. Lorna called when ready. The lessons started the following day. We learnt about her love for Indie Music and the passion for Guitar. One month into the lessons, she got a transfer to Kakamega County! Normally, in the experience we've had, most students get so destabilized that lessons have to be put on hold for a year which in rare cases one resumes.

 For Lorna, it was just a matter of "give me this weekend to settle and we'll resume," If I am guessing right, your question is, "So you sent another staff to Kakamega?" The answer is an emphatic no. We have an online conferencing class that caters for students outside Nairobi and Nakuru. Well, for the longest time since 2015, this has been for our students in Uganda and Tanzania. Sometimes people can be skeptical about the online learning and so we rarely mention it especially to the Kenyan Market. Partly they are right, but if one was to engage us, perhaps the perception would change. We proceeded with real-time video lessons for the rest of the two months till a small break came in for the holidays. 
We are back on and Lorna is finishing Level 1 Guitar lessons in 4 weeks time. This means she can sight read, has mastered useful strumming patterns, has a grasp on Chord Families and by February, she can confidently perform in your event! What more can we say? Congratulations Lorna and we're happy our paths crossed! Your brand New Capo, Electric Tuner and a set of New Guitar strings await you at the center! She becomes the Second student to receive this award after Sonia in 2018. Will you be the next?

Right from the first Art4Leadership Concert in January, throughout the Touch a Soul event during the Valentines day just after Dowe Music Band gracing YEPI's event organized by Mr. Amani Katana in Mombasa, to the Mzalendo concert and lastly the HustleConcert that culminated into a video shoot of the song with the very title, we can only say that ours is an upward, in-depth progress that has been made possible through the unwavering faith, resilience and a desire to make Africa smile again.

It is also a year that the venture's CEO has received awards and gotten opportunities to represent us in Italy and Ghana respectively. Dowe Music has been called upon to perform in Nationally recognized events due to the original compositions from Mr. Ogutu that evoke a spirit of patriotism, selflessness, purpose-driven life and above all songs, poems and speeches that inspire reverence to the Almighty God. One such organization that has given us immense support and a platform is Emerging Leaders Foundation headed by Ms. Caren Wakoli. Seeing that our message of Africa's transformation through positive leadership change is being embraced by initiatives such as Good Governance Festival that took place at Central park where youths sang along "No To Poor Leadership" by Douglas is an encouragement to us.

I paused for a moment and just read through what I have written and what I can say is, if the addition of a year into our lives means a forward match, there is no shadow of doubt that 2020 is by Godspeed a year of even deeper waters. Shall you sail with us?
The author of this post is a staff member at 
Dowe Music &Arts. 
You can reach him through email: