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Saturday 16 January 2021


I have been unwell for about two weeks and I'm happy that I'm getting better. Those two weeks have been disturbing especially for this one reason. I couldn't sing! See, my hip-hop album was set for release this mid weekend of January. However, my voice couldn't perform as expected to refine the audio tracks. We've put the project on hold till when I'm fully recovered.

However, something happened yesterday! My friend (Stevie Emanuel) and I went to Sarova Lion Hill Hotel to audition for future performances from Dowe Music Band. You know, that's how artistes pitch- by showcasing. We had two jams that we planned to perform. Purely instrumental. But as we conversed with the hospitable Manager, Mr. Geoffrey, we realised the environment  was different from the places we'd been planning from (a post on Studying your audience will be up soon). 

He took us to the open space where we'd be auditioning. Then suggested we first perform individually before doing our duet. I found this very wise: I'm sure you've ever seen a group performing and realized there's one or two who seem to be joyriding as others do the work. He had to verify our synchrony. After the pieces, a couple of visitors had us play from a far and requested us to redo Oliver Mtukudzi's Todii. As we moved closer to them, that's when I realized by the way! I had been singing like my voice never had an issue. It's the beginning of the year and I can only say, better days are here with us. I'm glad the voice is improving and even though I feel a little weak, I am healed. I don't know when I heard the tune Todii first but the vibe it carries is just amazing. I don't remember any gig I have attended without playing that intro riff even if not on stage. My prayer is that God will equip me to touch nations with the music and arts as He wills. I hope you enjoy. Stay in touch, you might see us on your stage soon!

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