
Experience Energy

This is where Stars are shaped

Tuesday, 2 November 2021

SAY (Official Audio) Douglas Ogutu x Seema Kataria

We are so excited for this new project. Douglas Ogutu and Seema Kataria have collaborated in making a love song. The fusion of East Africa and Indian sounds have taken the music to a beautiful level. Let’s start you of the journey with this duo first with the Official Audio and Lyric Video. Be sure the Official video is in the offing. We hope that...

Tuesday, 19 October 2021


We are glad to inroduce a new artiste at Dowe Music & Arts. Help us welcome Grace and please subscribe to her chann...

Monday, 18 October 2021

STOP GBV_(Official) Douglas Ogutu_ 16Bars S1E16

With the emergent cases of suicide and murder on the account og GBV, It is only fair that we talk about this matter as we seek the best solutions. We hope that this 1 minute gives you something to ponder on and think about Change. You can download the audio here Stop GBV Here are the lyrics:Humans are making this world harder Bitterness is taking...

Saturday, 29 May 2021

Pambazuko_Studio Solo Version Douglas Ogutu

Yali10 ended in a spectacular way with acts of entertainment from talented alumni. We are priviledged to have our very own Douglas Ogutu gracing the stage. This beautiful tune lightened up spirits in the culmination of the Five-Day event. He says it is a major project coming soon as the official video will be unvailed. We hope you'll enjoy his performance,...

Sunday, 9 May 2021

WAVES_SRHR (MY DEMAND) Cynthia Nakhumicha


Friday, 23 April 2021

Tuesday, 20 April 2021


Download Under18 Mp3 Hello, Our Facebook page is live for the whole week and we can't keep calm. The poster below will give you a hint of the activities as we focus on the recently released JITUME TU album. Track number #1 of the album is known as UNDER18  which...

Wednesday, 7 April 2021


So much is going on and it is very easy to get puffed up in the anguish and despair. However, in this song, we are reminded of the Majestic nature of the creature in making all of us. The author takes time to marvel at the creation and Christ's redemptive work at the cross. We hope you enjoy as much as your spirit is lifted. Stay safe, keep ca...

Saturday, 16 January 2021


I have been unwell for about two weeks and I'm happy that I'm getting better. Those two weeks have been disturbing especially for this one reason. I couldn't sing! See, my hip-hop album was set for release this mid weekend of January. However, my voice couldn't perform as expected to refine the audio tracks. We've put the project on hold till when...

Monday, 4 January 2021


 Optimism, hope, a longing for a brighter sun is what engulfed the whole world, perhaps even the entire universe as we counted the dragging days of 2020. You could see the empty streets mid March, thinking it would only take a few weeks then we'd be back. October, November,...