I have been unwell for about two weeks and I'm happy that I'm getting better. Those two weeks have been disturbing especially for this one reason. I couldn't sing! See, my hip-hop album was set for release this mid weekend of January. However, my voice couldn't perform as expected to refine the audio tracks. We've put the project on hold till when...
Saturday, 16 January 2021
Monday, 4 January 2021
By Dowe Music & Arts02:16African, Art4Leadership, Better Days, Guitar, Lessons, Music Ministry, Music Production, Music Theory, We OvercomeNo comments

Optimism, hope, a longing for a brighter sun is what engulfed the whole world, perhaps even the entire universe as we counted the dragging days of 2020. You could see the empty streets mid March, thinking it would only take a few weeks then we'd be back. October, November,...