
Friday, 20 March 2020

Burning Incense(Piano and Voice REHEARSAL)

I remember with nostalgia my life at Campus. This song was birthed at Masinde Muliro University during undergraduate studies. There were four of us who discovered our love for and gifting in Music. We did most of our stuff together and I remember the consitent prayer schedules we had every Thursday night, from 8PM and rehearsals for Sundays. After campus, we dispersed into different cities both literally and metaphorically because we are now Fathers! We recorded an album and this tune was one of my compositions that I still wonder how new it becomes each time I sing it. Well, at the time we were not so good with marketing essentials leave alone digital life. We distributed all the CDs(Mostly free), till presently none of us has any. This photo shows the four of us, the night it was taken was when we had a worship Night with the above song as the theme...should I say people came to me asking for a link and name of the worship band behind the song?

From Left: Jose, Myk, Douglas and Hoseah, 2012/13
Yesterday as I was thinking about how sickly the world looks currently, I was in a spontaneous worship hour where songs just flow as I play an instrument while singing. One of our new students had come to say goodbye as we shut down physical lessons following COVID_19 directive by the government (and of course sane conscience). I could hear her sing out some of the songs she knew. Since most of my compositions are normally congregational (or easy to follow), Burning Incense caught her easily. Today morning she sent me a message giving thanks for the worship session saying her spirit was lifted. My prayer is that everyone of us will use what we've got to give hope, lift up and offer solutions in whatever area of life we are gifted in. As you listen and even join in this song, may you find healing in whichever area of life.

The effect of this song in my life is indescribable. However, let me keep it simple. In the evening, we had a scheduled recording with yet a former Student_Milcah. She's one of the background vocalists in the upcoming album-Mimi na Wewe . Being a student from the former college I used to train, she just knew me as a msic trainer and not a worship leader. And the fact that the album we are doing is on general themes mostly about Africa and mental health, I was not surprised to hear this:
"So you don't do worship music enh?"
From Left: Milcah, Douglas, Judith and Lucy, 2020
I started to explain then realized that was a waste of time.I just sang the song and discovered a video was being taken. Let me skip the "wows" and just say, I had to do it again, with her back up and recording the audio a little professionally.  what you see up there is the  outcome. 
We are grateful for the journey we have made so far and the fact that our recording studio is up and running and giving as the opportunity to record good music is a blessing we can not gainsay. A midst the anguish that the world may be in, we hold on to faith that we shall overcome. Stay put pal!

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  1. For sure God our healer heal.
    I love the worship ..
    God bless Dowe God bless Daggy
