
Monday, 10 August 2020




YaaYaa and Douglas during ACCES in Accra, Ghana
YaaYaa(Ghana) and Douglas(Kenya)
During ACCES in Accra Ghana

More than 80 different ethnic groups, over 200 dialects spoken lies a land in Africa known for its own script. One of the world’s popular beverages, coffee was discovered in its region called Kaffa.  With this you must have already figured out what am talking about. You must be probably right.  “The cradle of mankind”, Ethiopia. It is a beautiful city with a unique people’s culture and typography.

Apart from all this interesting facts, an exciting music collaboration took place at its capital Addis Ababa. ACCES (Music in Africa Collaborations, Exchange and Showcases) started here in 2016. By that time it was a small feature on the Music in Africa Foundation’s AGM Plus programme.  Legendary Etgio-Jazz musician Mulatu Astatke was the keynote address; attended by delegates from more than 15 African countries.  Years later, in 2017, ACCES is launched as a fully-fledged international event drawing participants from all over the world. It is for this reason and many more; why you should be part of this amazing program this year.

Here is your chance to prove your shine on to the rest of the world.  There is talent in Africa. What more can be done if we don’t work on what we have and utilize on opportunities presented to us.

Organized by the Music in Africa Foundation, ACCES Africa 2020 will encompass various activities. Among them including pitch sessions, hub exhibitions, panel discussions and networking sessions. It will feature over 80 speakers and net-workers offering a chance to individuals to network, exchange ideas and interact with artists from the continent and diaspora.

East Africa’s Tanzania will be the host of this amazing feature at the Dar es Salaam National Museum and house of culture. One will get to enjoy various benefits of being part of this program. These includes but not limited to transport between venues and accredited hotels. Your logo stands a chance of being added to the ACCES Website and printed programme. In addition your company’s profile will appear on the Music in Africa website Music In Africa and in the dedicated exhibitor’s newsletter. This in return is sent to some 30000+ subscribers in Anglophone and Francophone Africa and the rest of the world.

Despite the coronavirus (covid-19) pandemic, the foundation is hopeful for the event to commence on the 26th of November and offset 0n 28th same month 2020. Isn’t a good time to do something positive to your community and also for personal growth? As we keep safe during this time and staying strong to conquer this virus, let us also build on us. This is why you should begin by registering for Acces Africa. See the original call here

Tout le meilleur et garder en se’curite’ in other words, ‘All the best and keep safe!’

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