
Wednesday, 1 February 2023



Happy New Month Music Lovers, Meet Emeldah Precious a gender specialist consultant/Trauma recovery informed trainer, Mental health Trainer/Consultant who will be taking us through #MusicImpostanceonGBV awareness this month even as we prepare for the Vema Concert on 11th March 2023. Emeldah is a dedicated, efficient and enthusiastic Gender & Development professional with over 4 years’ working experience in the area of Gender, Development. she has majored in competencies in areas of gender based violence programming and implementation, Gender equality advocacy, Gender mainstreaming, Ending harmful Gender based traditional practices, psycho-social counseling and life skills facilitation.

A certified trauma healing practitioner with a background in psychology: am passionate on helping people identify the main source of their traumas and use trauma healing resources to help them transform into healer individuals who can make informed decision without hurting others. 

Here is what she has to say on her series "It's yet a happy new month. February it's a month of love.
As a Gender Specialist and Mental Health Enthusiast this month excites me cause Its yet another time to create awareness on Gender Based Violence in relationships.
Did you know that #music can actually be used to create awareness? This month we explore the importance of Music in Gender Based Violence (GBV) awareness creation in relationships. One importance of music is to Educate on Healthy Relationships: Music can be used to educate individuals about the importance of creating and maintaining healthy relationships. This can include highlighting the differences between healthy and unhealthy behaviors, promoting respect and consent, and advocating for better communication.
Dowe Music and Arts and Douglas Ogutu are actually doing this using their song #Vema

Published by Mercy Mitei.

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