
Saturday, 4 August 2018

Art4Leadership In Nairobi

Douglas Giving A presentation on Transparency 

Photo: Joseph Jinju

 The line “Say No to Poor Leadership” that makes up an easy chorus to sing is slowly gaining popularity as more youth’s pledge to stand up for sound leadership not only in Kenya but Africa at large. Much gratitude to the various organizations that have given Dowe Music & Arts the platform to demonstrate leadership through music. These include but not limited to Fatuma’s Voice (Still longing to see them in Nakuru), Kenya National Library Services (knls), American Spaces and most importantly Young Leaders Initiative (YALI) Network

At Dowe Music & Arts, we believe that it is not just enough for an artiste to learn the musical language but how to use the skills and/or talents for the benefit of the very society s/he speaks to is very paramount. That is the reason we have Art4Leadership, an initiative that seeks to mentor youths for both present and future roles whether or not they get leadership posts.

On 3rd of August, 2018, Dowe Music & Arts a privilege to host an Art4Leadership event at the American Reference Center, Moi University, Nairobi campus. The topic Good Governance and Transparency was well embraced with young people learning that it is not only the role of the government to foster good governance, but also the citizen’s task. A challenge was posed on the youths to get involved in the leadership forums to be able to understand fully how they can cause positive change in the society.

Transparency was widely discussed with the weightiest point being that for a country or any organisation to grow well, systems must be created to ensure accurate dissemination of information on time. The youths learned that it is not just whistle blowing that is the key to achieving transparency, but the how. 

The speaker quickly reminded the energetic minds that voicing out for change doesn’t have to be violent. He pointed out that one ought to take the right measures including making use of established bodies like Transparency International to share concerns. He also encouraged the artistes to use their talents well with an aim of speaking out the change they envision.

The event was spiced up by Music on Africa. The audience found it easy to sing a long the simple but rich message passed across through the music. Songs, as you may tell, are persuasive in nature and singing along helps one to reflect on their role as citizens of Kenya as well as sons and daughters of the black soil. You can listen to Say No to Poor Leadership and Carry On by clicking here: Afrika Songs Below are photos of the Dowe Music Band. 

Photos: G Kariuki

As the event ended, it was a privilege for the young people meeting the co-founder for You4She Initiative where they empower girls and women on Menstrual Hygiene Education. Elizabeth Mang’eni, Mandela Washington Fellowship 2017(MWF 2017) and Young Africa Leadership Initiative-Regional Leadership Centre (YALI-RLC Cohort 11) Alumna enlightened them on the why and how to join YALI NETWORK. She encouraged them to reach out to her for essay reviewing and consultations regarding MWF and YALI RLC.

Elizabeth Mang'eni advising youths

Photo: Joseph Jinju

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