
Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Art4Leadership Season III: Empowered To Empower

DoweMusic junior students.
From left: Kyle, Sonia and Scott

August 24, 2018 goes into the records of Dowe Music & Arts as one of the important days on which an Art4Leadership event was organized. We can never be thankful enough for the Kenya National Library Services in conjunction with The American Corner for availing the ample and efficient space. 

The theme for the day was “Empowered to Empower” where more than fifty young people discussed the importance of giving back to the society. The outstanding fact was that one is never too poor to offer a helping hand. 

The youths were challenged not to wait until they are well endowed resource-wise for them to consider empowering others. From a discussion that sought to find out what unique ability distinguished each one of them from the other, the message that at least everyone in the world has something they can do better than others was driven home.

The event was spiced up by Dowe Music & Arts junior students performing with guitars. The speaker of the day, who is also the director of the initiative, joined them with his violin accompanied on piano by the Academy's admin Ms. Mwihaki a.k.a Michieygial. 

This was an event which also saw children from New Life Home Trust attending. Even though they had come to see one of their own, Sonia performing, the children were lively and some shocked the whole group by the way they participated actively in the discussions. Two of these, Oliver Daima and Judy Bahati became darlings of the whole team due to their boldness and eloquence. When asked about what she had learned, Judy calmly responded, "How to love people!" Led by Mr. Daniel Omitto , Adminstrative assistant, the group is a lively time one wishes to stay around them, all the time.

Towards the end, YALI Alumni gave short speeches sensitizing the youths about the need to join the network as well as giving tips on the just opened application for cohort 31 and 32. If you are interested in applying, click here. Take a look at the photos below to get the  gist of the event as you plan to attend upcoming events.
 Applications for Cohort 31 and 32 is now open. Apply!

Youths from Nakuru Listening actively 

Judy Bahati from New Life Group
 responding to a recap question

YALI Alumni Kate Cheptoo on how to 
apply for YALI RLC opportunity

YALI Alumni Amdany enlightening youths
YALI Alumni Oliver Jemuge on how to join YALI Network

Music performance by DoweMusic Team

From Left: YALI Alumni Oliver J.,
New Life Group child Oliver Daima and
MLM Consultant Oliver Kibet

Oliver Kibet Pitching his idea

Young Oliver presenting a song

Ms Mwihaki,
DoweMusic &Arts admin
 rehearsing for the event

The author is the founding director of Dowe Music &Arts and the frontier of Art4Leadership

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  1. Awesome... It was such an empowering moment and we appreciate every little thing that @DoweMusicArt is doing to uplift our children @Newlifehometrust Nakuru. Big up!

  2. We would like to appreciate Dowe Music & Arts for sponsoring Sonia in her Module I & II guitar lessons. This particular event on Empowerment was equally significant to our children who attended. Kudos to our young Oliver and Judy who stole the hearts of those in attendance. We appreciate every thing you do for us @ New Life Home Trust-Nakuru.
