
Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Take Off I

Lake Como at night

Como is a beautiful place. Well I know that's an understatement but what can one say? Normally, a city with many big buildings and substantial traffic is accustomed to noise, rowdiness leave a lone carelessness.  The same is not true about Como. The hills that surround Lake Como with their natural flora and fauna from which exude the God given fresh air demand calmness in return for the serenity they offer. And the people there have danced to the tune of mother nature. You will see trees around every building, including the famous Como Cathedral with it's incredible Gothic design. I'm told it was dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Checkin in at Como City

Ladies and gentlemen, may I indulge you in this and other upcoming episodes of my journey to Italy attending the World Manufacturing Forum under sponsorship of Africa Innovation Leaders. I have been in this fellowship since last year and last month was the end that resulted in the above opportunity.

Lake Como from Cernobbio 
The forum took place in Cernobbio which is one of the towns around the lake. Right from the first speaker to the last in the Entrepreneurship session, the overriding theme was Collaboration. There was a constant reminder from everyone of them that if we are to succeed in the nex revolution, we must come and work together. Africa, Europe, Asia, America and the Arctic were all recognized as part of the globe that will neccesitate change. Stay tuned for some of the great quotes we got.

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